One message seems to be coming through loud and clear in recent employment data. US employers are using more contingent staff than ever.
While some employers may approach contingent staffing with caution, those who have benefited from working with contingent staff know that it can be mutually beneficial for both employer and employee. Seasoned employers know that a long-term investment in an individual hire involves some risk. Contingent staffing firms help to mitigate that risk. It’s a trial period for both parties. Workers can decide whether they like their new employer and whether the job is a good fit. One ideal — and frequent — outcome of a temporary, per-diem or contract assignment is that the employee is hired full-time and enjoys a long and rewarding career with the company. Still, there are other employees who choose contingent work because of the independence it affords them, the flexibility in locations and hours, and the sense that it provides of being their own boss.
Whether or not they’re using contingent staff, many employers are finding themselves in the unexpected situation of having a hard time finding qualified workers to fill open positions — even though unemployment rates in the US are still higher than ideal.
According to recent reports one relevant factor is the “skills gap”: the training and education that US workers possess does not match the skills needed by our increasingly technological economy. Analyses like this one from the New York Times, cite the slow economic recovery as a reason that some workers have dropped out of the job market altogether, although they may be good candidates for open positions of which they are unaware. Regional employment markets and training availability can make it hard for employers to locate the right candidates — and for job seekers find the locations where their skills are in demand.
Whether employers’ issues are with minimizing costs and hiring risks, or with expanding their staffing search, a workforce management solution can be an invaluable asset. With their national reach and experience sourcing candidates in an increasingly automated employment market, providers like Stay Staffed deliver an effective way for employers to reach hard-to-find candidates.
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