Healthcare Jobs Continue to Rise in 2015

It appears that both healthcare workers and their employers are gaining confidence in the industry as well as the larger economy, according to recent trends and surveys.

New healthcare jobs continue to rise in 2015 – a trend that began in the fourth quarter of 2014 when the health sector added 127,000 jobs. The fourth quarter of 2014 was the largest quarterly increase in healthcare employment since 1990 breaking a 25 year record, according to Altarum Institute’s Center for Sustainable Health Spending.

The trend from December 2014 carried forward into 2015:

  • January 2015 saw 45,000 new healthcare jobs created.
  • February and March saw significant drop off with 27,320 and 22,300 new jobs respectively.
  • But job creation rebounded nicely with 45,000 in April and another 47,000 in May.
  • For a 5-month total of 186,620 new healthcare jobs in 2015.

Healthcare Worker Confidence also on the Rise

Further, a Harris poll reported that healthcare workers have increased confidence in job availability and the strength of the American economy. The poll measured the confidence of 3,100 healthcare workers and found that:

  • Overall confidence among healthcare workers is on the rise.
  • 28% of healthcare employees agreed that there were more healthcare job openings – a 9% increase from the third quarter.
  • 56% of healthcare professionals were optimistic in finding another job if needed.
  • 30% were looking for new healthcare job opportunities while 58% were content in their current positions.
  • Job security was highest in healthcare workers in relation to other professions with 76% feeling that their jobs were secure.

As the industry settles into healthcare reform, the trends suggest that both employer and worker confidence is on the increase. The result is a sustained increase of healthcare job openings and improved job security for current employees. But still, the industry has to contend with the ongoing workforce shortage in order to capitalize on current trends. For many healthcare facilities, this means establishing or improving their recruitment and hiring strategies in conjunction with using a contingent workforce.

Healthcare workforce management software that taps into a nationwide medical professional database is ideal for recruiting top talent. The Stay Staffed Vendor Management Software combined with the nationwide Candidate Direct Marketplace of medical professionals helps hospitals organize and streamline their recruitment and hiring process. Contact us now for a free online demonstration.


Date posted: October 12, 2015 in Healthcare Industry | workforce management | Healthcare job openings | Healthcare job opportunities | Healthcare workforce management software | vendor management software |

Nurse Engagement Leads to Improved Teamwork

With nurses being a vital component of patient outcome, it’s critical that hospital management have an engagement strategy in place for permanent employees. And with 65% of U.S. healthcare employers optimizing their workforce through contract, contingent, and travel nurses, it’s important to set a plan in motion to engage these employees as well.

7.4% of registered nurses are disengaged from their jobs compared to 4.8% for LPNs, 5.8% for PCAs, and 6.1% for MDs, according to a report by Katherine Virkstis, ND, Practice Manager for The Advisory Board in Washington, DC. Virkstis reviewed more than 300,000 individual responses from 250 U.S. healthcare organizations.

Engagement Strategies for Travel Nurses

Employee engagement strategies are little trickier when dealing with travel nurses because of the short duration of most assignments. But it is achievable if engagement begins on the very first day of the travel assignment. Much of it is identical to permanent engagement strategies including:

  • The definition of clear and measurable employee goals and objectives during the onboarding process.
  • An understanding of the employee’s career goals and interests.
  • Scheduled performance feedback.
  • Mentorship or work-buddy programs.
  • Special projects and assignments geared toward their goals and interests.
  • Consideration as part of the team and communication toward that goal – avoid treating them like outsiders.
  • The recognition of achievements and work excellence.
  • A culture of collaboration – Include your contingent workforce in decision-making.
  • Invite them to employee social events.

Contingent staffing continues to grow as hospitals work to optimize their staffing based on census fluctuations and patient acuity. The challenges of contingent workforce management are to manage the growing cost for this resource, gain greater visibility into the contingent workforce, better manage a blended workforce, and comply with federal and state regulatory agencies.

The Stay Staffed Vendor Management System and the Candidate Direct Marketplace work synergistically to manage every aspect of contingent workforce management. Contact us now for 30-minute online demonstration of our vendor management software and see firsthand how your healthcare organization can save!

Date posted: July 9, 2015 in workforce management |

Use of Temporary Nurses a Cost-Effective Staffing Solution for Hospitals

It’s a question long in need of an answer. Is the use of temporary nurses a cost-effective staffing solution for hospitals looking for ways to optimize their human resources and ultimately, quality of care? The University of Rochester, School of Nursing, took on the question and analyzed the cost-effectiveness of agency-employed supplemental nurses in 19 adult patient-care units of a large, academic medical center.

As might be expected, the results were mixed depending on the volume of supplemental nurses needed to optimize staffing. Minimal use of temporary nurses resulted in slightly lower overall costs when compared to permanent nurse overtime costs. Moderate use of supplemental nursing resulted in slightly higher overall costs and heavy use demonstrated significantly higher costs. The final conclusion of the study is that minimal to moderate use of temporary and travel nurses, cost about the same as permanent nurses working overtime.

Researcher Linda Aiken, Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research, University Pennsylvania explains, “In addition to not being cost-effective, overtime hours performed by permanent nurses may equate to poor nurse and patient satisfaction. Extensive research indicates that overtime work is connected to nurse burnout, turnover, and poor patient outcomes. The use of supplemental nurses can alleviate these risks.”

75% of Hospitals use Temporary Nurses

With more than half of U.S. hospitals using temporary and travel nurses to alleviate staff shortages, it’s important to understand their effectiveness. In addition to cost-effectiveness, a study reported in the March 2015 edition of Journal of Nursing Administration suggests that the use of temporary nurses has no impact on patient satisfaction either positive or negative. This may be due to further evidence that supplemental nurses have equivalent educational qualifications as most permanent nurses which is a contributing factor to positive patient outcomes.

As a result of these studies, the key to optimizing hospital nursing staff is to have sufficient permanent personnel to manage core patient load and to add temporary or travel nurses to shore up short-term deficits. Of course, this objective is easier to say than to put into practice. Every hospital experiences fluctuations in patient census, employee resignations, increases in patient acuity, and temporary leave of absences leaving some to ask, “How can we optimize healthcare staffing with all of these variables in play?”

One way is to implement a workforce management system that provides executive oversight into your contingent workforce. Cloud-based vendor management software provides a centralized solution to source, recruit, procure and manage contingent and direct hire needs. The StayStaffed VMS is free to use and connects hiring managers to a nationwide database of healthcare professionals and staffing agencies. Through dashboard analytics, users gain critical oversight of their healthcare staffing. Contact us today for 30 minute demonstration on how Stay Staffed Candidate Direct can optimize your healthcare staffing.

Cost Outcomes of Supplemental Nurse Staffing in a Large Medical Center
Journal of Nursing Administration March 2015 – Patient Outcomes
75% of Hospitals use Temporary Nurses

Date posted: April 20, 2015 in contingent staffing | Healthcare Industry | Staffing News | Staffing Solution | supplemental nurses | Temporary Nurses |

Leverage Workforce Data to Optimize Healthcare Staffing

A 2014 survey by HealthLeaders Media reported that the top cost containment strategies for hospitals, physicians groups, and healthcare systems are 1) process improvements, 2) labor productivity, 3) supply chain efficiencies, 4) capacity management, and 5) staff reductions. This isn’t surprising as healthcare staffing is the largest driver of both clinical and financial success.

Process improvements were cited by 81% of healthcare executives who are looking for sustainable cost containment strategies that offer year after year reductions rather than short-term fixes such as layoffs (20% of respondents). Labor productivity increases were chosen by 67% of healthcare executives as a favored cost reduction strategy.

Strong Emphasis on Process Improvement 

The emphasis on process improvement through workforce analytics helps identify opportunities where labor can be employed more effectively. Process improvements and labor productivity gains then become part of a continuous improvement culture that is practiced daily.

The greatest challenge for staffing managers is to match labor to patient census. Staffing requirements can vary considerably day-to-day and having ready access to current workforce data via dashboards can help staffing managers to devise plans to better meet census. Visibility into workforce data is necessary for both long-term strategic planning and short-term cost management tactics.

Healthcare Staffing Optimization

To be successful and produce returns year after year, expense reduction must be sustainable. The first step is to automate workforce management processes such as time and attendance, staffing and scheduling, human resources and payroll. Through automation, managers gain a better understanding of workforce dynamics both currently and cumulatively.

According to the survey, the top workforce management initiatives for healthcare labor cost reduction include:

Monitor and reduce overtime pay - overtime can be reduced with workforce planning and scheduling software. For example, the ability to analyze incidental overtime can lead to improvements in shift change procedures.

Develop and monitor productivity metrics – choosing the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will improve workforce performance monitoring. For KPIs to be effective, they must be clearly defined and measurable across the organization.

Adopt acuity-based staffing – delves deeper into optimal healthcare staffing strategies than nurse-to-patient ratios. It seeks to base staffing on patient need by ensuring an appropriate mix of skill sets and competencies. Contingent employees are often used to shore up staff and skill gaps.

Better manage contingent staff – most healthcare organizations use a variable staffing model that changes based on patient census. It’s important to have the right tools to manage the contingent workforce for cost containment and efficiency. It also helps to have the right workforce management software for tracking documentation, posting open positions, and project costs for different staffing mix scenarios.

Reduce premium labor usage – workforce analytics enables managers to identify opportunities for cost containment or reduction such as overtime, contingent labor usage, and overstaffing.

Optimize external staffing agencies – the ongoing workforce shortage has most providers using external healthcare staffing agencies to source and recruit medical staff. It can be difficult for human resources to continually field telephone calls, emails, and instant messaging from various healthcare staffing agencies. Web-based Vendor Management Software (VMS) for the healthcare industry consolidates and centralizes external staffing agency communication. Through the software, staffing managers can communicate with hundreds of healthcare staffing agencies nationwide as well as analyze staffing metrics for continuous improvement initiatives.

Healthcare staff layoffs – only 20 percent of healthcare executives are looking at employee layoffs to reduce costs.

Healthcare workforce analytic dashboards quickly provide managers with the data needed to make staffing decisions before the cost is incurred thereby saving more money in the long term. Staffing changes can be made as new data arises giving managers the opportunity to maximize the quality of patient care at the lowest cost available. Managers spend less time gathering and verifying workforce information and more time maximizing workforce potential based on up-to-the-minute information.

It takes only 30 minutes of your time to have an online demonstration of our vendor management software designed specifically for the healthcare industry. Schedule an appointment now by calling 800-585-1710 or contact us online. Remember to ask about our free software installation!


Date posted: November 21, 2014 in Healthcare Industry | Information Technology | vendor management systems | workforce management | healthcare staffing | healthcare staffing agencies | vendor management software | workforce management | workforce planning and scheduling software |

The Guiding Principles of Healthcare Software Selection

As healthcare reform gears up for change, hospitals are increasing their efforts to simplify and automate business processes through software applications. The problem hospital administration runs into when looking for software solutions is choosing from the thousands of applications that promise you efficiency and cost savings. Not all healthcare software solutions are developed with you in mind; they’re developed for the revenue they provide.

Not all hospital software vendors have an idea of how a hospital operates. They’ve simply identified an industry undergoing massive change and developed a software application to take advantage of an opportunity. Others are industry insiders that know in detail how hospitals operate and have developed software solutions that automate and simplify routine tasks. The key to selecting the right software is to weed out the players and find the vendor that offers real solutions.

The Guiding Principles for Selecting Hospital Software Solutions

Form a cross functional team. IT shouldn’t be the primary decision maker in choosing hospital software solutions. They may guide the process but the real decision makers should be those that will use the software day-to-day.
Create a needs assessment. Start by modeling current business processes in the areas you’re going to be using the new software application. Next, identify processes that you want the software to automate to improve efficiency. Lastly, map out the output you need from the new system in the form of reporting and analytics.
Evaluate hospital software vendors. Research and choose several potential hospital software providers that appear to meet your needs assessment. Have the chosen few demonstrate their software capabilities to determine which one(s) are closest to fulfilling the needs assessment. Create scenarios or use cases that reflect what you want the software to do and have the vendor run them through the program. Narrow your list to the top two or three vendors.
Ask for references. References provide you with the opportunity to speak with actual system users. If possible, see if there are hospitals in your area that are using the software and arrange for a site visit.
Choose the software that best fits your needs. If one vendor is clearly above the rest and meets your budget, then the choice becomes easy. If they’re close in functionality and cost, you may want to arrange a more detailed presentation with several use cases typical to your organization.
Negotiate the contract. You’ve likely already discussed pricing at this point of the process so there should be no surprises. One caveat is to watch for hidden fees. The 6 key areas of a software contract that you should focus on are:

  1. Software – pricing and performance.
  2. Hardware – do you need to upgrade or will present systems suffice.
  3. Implementation – the scope and time of software implementation.
  4. Training – details on initial training and ongoing support.
  5. System Maintenance – who’s responsible for software maintenance.
  6. Customer Support – hospitals need 24/7 support.

We live in the Digital Age where there is a software solution for nearly every business process. But not all software is created equally. At StayStaffed, we’ve developed a hospital workforce management software based on our 25 years in the healthcare staffing industry. Contact us now for a 15-minute product demonstration and learn how our vendor management solutions can streamline your hiring process by providing low-cost, high-quality talent. Or call us at 1.800.585.1710 and speak to a consultant.

Related Resources:

Date posted: October 21, 2014 in Healthcare Industry | Information Technology | recruitment process outsourcing | Staffing News | vendor management systems | workforce management | Healthcare Selection | Hospital Software Solutions | hospital software vendors | hospital workforce management software |

2014 Tech Trends that Help Streamline Healthcare Services

Each year sees an ongoing commitment to utilizing technology for healthcare professionals and patients. Bring your own device (BYOD), mobile apps, big data, telemedicine, vendor management software (VMS), and data security are some of the hot healthcare technology trends for 2014. Continuous improvement with these tech trends is critical to streamlining patient care and the flow of patient information throughout the healthcare system.

Here is what healthcare providers can look forward to as the year progresses:

Bring Your Own Device – We live in an increasingly wired world and the healthcare industry is no different. Many healthcare workers already bring their own devices to work so it makes sense for healthcare providers to capitalize on the phenomena. Using a multitude of devices within the workplace however, offers an additional burden for IT staff in the form of supporting infrastructure, security, and compliance.

Mobile Applications – Many medical apps are available to healthcare personnel as well as patients and the choices are growing rapidly. Medical professionals can quickly access electronic health records (EHR) to aid in clinical decision-making. Patients can actually use the apps to monitor their own health issues such as measuring heart rate or counting calories. Adherence apps will remind patients of their medication time through their smart phone. As health systems get more deeply involved in developing their own apps, the patient experience will improve and hospital efficiencies will increase.

Big Data – Having access to stored data allows healthcare professionals to gain important insight into accelerating patient care. Relevant medical data from Electronic Health Records (EHR) can be complemented by outside apps that capture the critical information needed to enhance efficiency. Patients can access their own information from devices at most any location. For medical professionals, tablets can be used in the consultation room and fed into the external terminals available in each department. With Electronic Health Record systems becoming more affordable, information is exchanged more easily and securely.

Telemedicine – Those that have difficulty getting to their medical facility can take advantage of inexpensive telemedicine technology. Patients can communicate with their healthcare professionals through video conferencing on mobile devices or laptops that are equipped with a webcam. Virtual care is becoming more popular with features that allow patients to self-monitor their vital signs and report their statistics without having to see a healthcare professional.

Vendor Management Software (VMS) – An ongoing workforce shortage combined with healthcare reform is making it difficult for medical providers to manage their medical staff efficiently. Vendor management software is ideal for healthcare providers looking to improve their recruitment and staffing management processes.

Data Security – The Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA) oversees patient confidentiality but is still a work in progress. As IT increases its role in health administration, security through encryption protects personal health information.  Advancements include secure portals for email, texts, file sharing and video-conferencing. Still, there is more work to be done to keep up with new innovations so that applications can run smoothly, securely, and without failure.

These trends will continue to advance throughout 2014 and beyond with the intention of creating a leaner healthcare experience for hospitals and patients alike.

StayStaffed’s Vendor Management System in conjunction with the Candidate Direct Marketplace ® provides a management-oversight technology solution to streamline and automate the administrative and operational processes that occur within multi-vendor staffing environments. Our secure, web-based VMS software provides a one-source solution to source, recruit, procure and manage contingent and direct hire needs for a multitude of industries — including healthcare, energy, and IT to name a few…and with the potential to save up to 15% of annual contingent staffing spend.

Date posted: April 8, 2014 in contingent staffing | Healthcare Industry | Information Technology | Staffing News | vendor management systems | workforce management | big data | Data Security | medical apps | multi-vendor staffing | Tech Trends | telemedicine | VMS |

Will 2014 Temporary Job Gains Beat the Lofty Increases of 2013?

Temporary job increases ended the year 2013 on a high note adding 40,400 new jobs in December – the highest monthly increase of the year. Temporary jobs contributed 8.8 percent of total job growth over 2013 even though the sector only accounts for 1.8 percent of all jobs nationwide, according to the BLS.

Continued Growth in Temporary Jobs in 2014

Continued growth of temporary hiring shows no sign of slowing down in 2014. In fact, several prognosticators predict high growth rates for contract jobs in various industries throughout 2014. A recent Business Insider article reported on a recent survey that, “Forty-two percent of employers plan to hire temporary or contract workers in 2014, up from 40 percent last year. Of these employers, 43 percent plan to transition some temporary employees into full-time, permanent members of their staff.”

The Palmer Forecast by G. Palmer & Associates forecasts an 8.5% increase in temporary employment in the first quarter of 2014 over the same period last year marking the 16th consecutive quarter (4 years) of year-over-year increases.

The Boston Consulting Group predicts that “higher exports and re-shoring would add 2.5 million to 5 million manufacturing and related services jobs by 2020.” A recent study of U.S. manufacturers estimates that 83 percent are experiencing a skilled workforce shortage with nearly 600,000 high-skill manufacturing jobs currently vacant. Research by the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) confirms that due to regional skill shortages, manufacturers are hiring and developing temporary workers to fill the gaps.

Increased Use of VMS and MSP Hiring Solutions

Hiring companies and staffing agencies are increasingly turning to Vendor Management Software (VMS) and Managed Service Provider (MSP) solutions to more efficiently manage contingent workforces. A survey by Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) reported that more than 50 percent of respondents were using a VMS or MSP solution to:

  • Speed up the hiring process
  • Lower hiring costs
  • Decrease administrative workload
  • Receive enhanced reporting capabilities
  • Achieve improved management oversight
  • Increase their candidate pool

According to the SIA, VMS and MSP spend under management was $100 billion in 2012, a $16 billion increase from 2010.

With more than 20 years of staffing experience, the executive management team of Stay Staffed has provided workforce management solutions and vendor management system expertise to large and small organizations nationwide. Stay Staffed’s workforce management system, including vendor management software (VMS), provides staffing solutions to organizations that wish to achieve higher levels of efficiency, increase productivity, and reduce operational expenses.

Article Sources

Labor Forecast; Which states will generate jobs in 2014?; 7 Career Trends To Watch For In 2014


Date posted: February 27, 2014 in contingent staffing | Staffing News | workforce management | staffing trends |

How to Recruit for the Hottest Jobs in Healthcare

In a December 19, 2013 news release, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted that job growth in the healthcare space will rise by 5.0 million jobs from 2012 to 2022. That’s nearly a third of all U.S. jobs created over the next decade. Some of the hottest healthcare professions are occupational therapy (OT), physical therapy (PT), speech language therapy (SLP) and nursing.

As demand for healthcare jobs continues to rise, healthcare facilities and their recruitment agencies may require more efficient resources for attracting, hiring, and onboarding quality professionals in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Therapy Professions in High Demand

  • Occupational Therapist (OT) jobs will see the largest increase among therapy careers. OT jobs are projected to grow by 33% or 36,400 jobs through to 2020.
  • Demand for physical therapists (PT) continues to rise due to cumulative effects of an aging Boomer demographic and the addition of patients entering the healthcare system through the Affordable Care Act. PT jobs are expected grow by 39% or 77,400 jobs to 2020.
  • Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) continues to experience strong demand in the U.S. job market with a projected growth rate of 23% or the addition of 28,800 jobs through 2020.

Home Health and Skilled Nursing Facilities Expected to Add Jobs

Nursing jobs are projected to rise by 19% over the next decade resulting in the addition of nearly 527,000 jobs nationwide. Home health agencies and skilled nursing facilities are expected to be busy recruiting home health aides and personal care assistants over the next ten years. Both professions are expected to grow by more than 48% from current employment levels. Demand for home health aides will rise by 424,200 jobs while personal care assistants will see another 581,000 added positions.

Tap into the Candidate Direct Marketplace for Healthcare

We’ve combined two effective systems that healthcare employers discover create an unbeatable recruitment and hiring tool. Our Stay Staffed Vendor Management System (VMS) synergizes perfectly with our Candidate Direct Marketplace® to create a secure web-based marketplace that provides a single source for healthcare organizations, hospitals, rehab centers, and skilled nursing facilities to source, recruit, procure and manage contingent and permanent:

  • Nursing staff
  • Occupational therapists
  • Physical therapists
  • Speech language therapists
  • Physicians
  • Other allied health professions

Contact a Stay Staffed representative now to receive a free, no-obligation online VMS demonstration and see for yourself how you can:

  • Realize annual savings from $4,000 to $15,000 per candidate through increased agency competition
  • Seamlessly source candidates from your own agencies or choose from hundreds of qualified agencies in the Candidate Direct Marketplace® national network
  • Improve the depth of the candidate pool and locate hard-to-find resources
  • Improve healthcare talent management oversight

It takes only 30 minutes to understand how the Stay Staffed vendor management system combined with the Candidate Direct Marketplace® can streamline your recruitment, hiring, and onboarding/off-boarding processes. Or phone us at 800-585-1710 and speak to directly to a Stay Staffed representative.

Date posted: January 24, 2014 in Healthcare Industry | Staffing News | workforce management | Jobs in Healthcare | Vendor Management System |

Best Industries for Jobs: Healthcare, Information Technology and Construction

When it comes to job growth potential, the healthcare industry takes the top spot, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Jobs in the construction trades come in at the number two position nationwide.

Healthcare Jobs Outlook

The BLS projects that 5.6 million healthcare jobs will be created between the years 2010 and 2020. During this period, healthcare job growth is estimated to increase at a rate of 3% annually.

Registered nurses are projected to be most in demand with a 10-year estimated growth rate of 26%, nearly double the national average of 14.3% for all other occupations. With current registered nurse jobs at 2,737,400, a 26% growth rate equals 711,000 new nursing positions being created over the next decade.

Physical Therapist’s Assistant is another growth-oriented position within the healthcare sphere with a 10-year projected increase of 45.7%. An aging boomer demographic combined with an increase in trauma survivors due to medical advances are the major reasons for its high-growth potential.

Healthcare Information Technology, IT Jobs Outlook

Information technology jobs in the healthcare industry continue to show high projected growth rates due to the development of digital health records and the security required to keep those records private.

Systems software developers lead this group with a 10-year growth projection of 32.4% or more than 127,000 new IT jobs. Computer network administrators follow closely behind with a 27.8% 10-year forecast or an estimated 96,500 new IT jobs.

Construction Jobs Outlook

Construction equipment operators top the list in this industry with a 10-year growth projection of 23.5% resulting in more than 82,000 new construction jobs over the next decade. Electrician jobs come in at a close second with a projected growth rate of 23.2% or more than 130,000 new jobs.

Overall job growth in the construction industry is estimated to increase at a 2.9% annual rate until at least 2020. New construction development, home renovations, alternative energy projects, and infrastructure upgrades are fueling the new job increases.

Stay Staffed is a workforce management solutions and vendor management system provider to organizations nationwide. Our systems utilize our proprietary Candidate Direct Marketplace ® to source, recruit, procure and manage contingent and direct hire workforces. Stay Staffed solutions provide greater workforce transparency to improve staffing efficiency and drive cost savings. Our Vendor Management System is designed to streamline and automate the administrative and operational processes that occur within multi-vendor staffing environments.

Contact us now to arrange a 30-minute online demonstration and see for yourself how Stay Staffed staffing solutions can streamline your workforce strategy.


Date posted: October 24, 2013 in Construction Industry | Information Technology | Staffing News | workforce management | Best Industries for Jobs |

US employers using more contingent staff than ever

One message seems to be coming through loud and clear in recent employment data. US employers are using more contingent staff than ever.

While some employers may approach contingent staffing with caution, those who have benefited from working with contingent staff know that it can be mutually beneficial for both employer and employee. Seasoned employers know that a long-term investment in an individual hire involves some risk. Contingent staffing firms help to mitigate that risk. It’s a trial period for both parties. Workers can decide whether they like their new employer and whether the job is a good fit. One ideal — and frequent — outcome of a temporary, per-diem or contract assignment is that the employee is hired full-time and enjoys a long and rewarding career with the company. Still, there are other employees who choose contingent work because of the independence it affords them, the flexibility in locations and hours, and the sense that it provides of being their own boss.

Whether or not they’re using contingent staff, many employers are finding themselves in the unexpected situation of having a hard time finding qualified workers to fill open positions — even though unemployment rates in the US are still higher than ideal.

According to recent reports one relevant factor is the “skills gap”: the training and education that US workers possess does not match the skills needed by our increasingly technological economy. Analyses like this one from the New York Times, cite the slow economic recovery as a reason that some workers have dropped out of the job market altogether, although they may be good candidates for open positions of which they are unaware. Regional employment markets and training availability can make it hard for employers to locate the right candidates — and for job seekers find the locations where their skills are in demand.

Whether employers’ issues are with minimizing costs and hiring risks, or with expanding their staffing search, a workforce management solution can be an invaluable asset. With their national reach and experience sourcing candidates in an increasingly automated employment market, providers like Stay Staffed deliver an effective way for employers to reach hard-to-find candidates.

Date posted: October 1, 2013 in contingent staffing | Staffing News | workforce management | employment rates | Temporary Workers | trends in contingent staffing |