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What Can Hospitals Do To Help Mitigate Nurse Turnover

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Many hospitals are dealing with an issue that impacts not only patient care but also the bottom line: a high nurse turnover rate. This problem is exacerbated by a growing nursing shortage across the country.

According to a recent story in Healthcare Finance News, 100,000 nursing positions are currently unfilled, with the shortage expected to climb to 340,000 nurses by 2020.  Thus, it is imperative for healthcare facilities to concentrate their efforts on staff retention.

Experts are advising that the best way for administrators to do this is to focus on providing job satisfaction to the nurses already on staff:  Rather than accepting a high rate of nurse turnover, why not keep these valuable employees happy on the job?

This effort, known as "workforce engagement," calls for the introduction of  programs and services that make the new registered nurses feel welcome, involved, and in control of the working environment.  

The Solution to Workforce Engagement

For instance, with the Stay Staffed Stay Staffed Internal Staffing Management program, nurses can schedule their own shifts, giving them a sense of ownership that can lead to significant job satisfaction – according to this published.

This Web-based software program lets nurses log in remotely and schedule themselves for open shifts – allowing positions to be filled quickly and efficiently, leading to significant cost savings, and greatly reducing the rate of nurse turnover.

The Stay Staffed internal staffing product is easy to implement, and has been proven to help hospitals with nursing retention. Call today for details (800) 585-1710 or schedule a Hospital Management Software online demo.