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Web-Based Software

Find out Why Your Organization Needs It

What is web-based software?

web based softwareWeb-Based Software is software you access with just an internet connection and a web browser. There is no software or  hardware to purchase, no need to download software, or ever worry about costly product upgrades.

Web-based software, often referred to as "cloud-based software" is popular and widely used because it only requires an internet connection. If you use web-based email like Gmail or Yahoo Mail then you’ve already been using web-based software.

Is Stay Staffed web-based software easy to learn?

Yes, our web-based software is easy to learn! Employee training sessions usually take less than an hour with Stay Staffed Technologies. Employees find our applications intuitive and easy-to-use.

Web-based software is used in many work related settings. This is because web-based software permits management and employees to stay connected with access to online staffing tools provided in web-based scheduling software.

Why is web based software better for my organization?

When your company utilizes web-based software by Stay Staffed, there is no need to worry about anything technical; it works seamlessly and is supported 24/7 365 days a year.

With web-based software, IT concerns related to workstations and operating systems are eliminated. Web based software is inexpensive and requires no investment in capital or IT resources.  This is one of the most compelling factors of why businesses choose web-based software solutions from Stay Staffed Technologies.

Web-based software guarantees your organization is utilizing cutting edge technology.

Unlike traditional software that requires downloads and costly upgrades, our web based software is updated automatically. Utilizing web-based software means your company gets the benefits of the most up-to-date technology improvements in workforce management software by Stay Staffed.

Is web-based software expensive?

Another great advantage of web-based software is that it is less expansive to maintain, and the improvements are updated automatically online.

Workforce management has never been easier. Staffing supervisors can stay focused on what they’re good at and let Stay Staffed Technologies handle the rest. In this way, web-based software does not only save money but also a lot of time.

There is no hardware or software to purchase, which makes web-based software inexpensive and popular with organizations everywhere.

Are there other industries that also utilize web-based software?

Yes, web-based applications are utilized in industries of all sizes nationwide, from financial organizations to retail, to food service and medical.

Employees and managers alike can sign in from home, work, or anywhere they wish.

When you use web-based software access is everywhere and anywhere you need. At work, at home, a coffee shop, even on your mobile phone, data is accessible anywhere with internet access.

With Stay Staffed Technologies, there’s nothing to upgrade or install.

With web based software there is no need to download or install software. Just log in from home or work with the web-browser you already have (Internet Explorer 7+, Safari, or Firefox) and use it like your web-based email program.

With web-based software, there are no costly maintenance agreements.

Our clients are delighted with the efficiency and ease of software use because it requires no maintenance on their part. Web based software permits managers to use time efficiently, concentrating on their core business.

Web-based Software is Safe and Secure.

When you use web-based software, your staffing data is stored in a secure data center that has full redundancy and back up. Stay Staffed provides 24/7, 365 days a year password protection, data integrity, back ups, and automatic updates. Users logging in to a secure site like access https (Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure, (HTTP Secure) an encrypted form of information transfer on the internet) which ensures every user is authenticated by a specific user name and unique password.

Data is automatically backed up daily.

Your data is backed up daily. Workforce management software backups are stored in highly secure multiple locations for additional redundancy. Web-based Management Software, by Stay Staffed delivers excellence in customer service ratings for peace of mind

Workforce Management Software Saves Organizations Time and Money

Workforce management software by Stay Staffed provides an entire suite of web based software services including:

Learn more about   management software

Find out today how custom, web-based Workforce Management software solutions from Stay Staffed can dramatically improve your bottom line and the performance of your staff. Our IT Personnel are top-notch and can't wait to demonstrate the advantages or our work force management applications. Email us today