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Stay Staffed® Web-based Automation Case Study #1

Software Case Study

150 Bed Hospital Replaces Labor Intensive Open Shift Management with Web-based Staffing Solution

The central staffing office of 150+ bed hospital on eastern seaboard is charged with the responsibility of manually filling open shifts with a nursing pool resource of 250 employees.

Staffing Management Challenge

Challenge: The hospital staffing office was overwhelmed with the challenge of filling open shifts for individual unit managers. It needed a system to replace the labor intensive telephone marathon calling campaigns it took to find candidates to fill the open shifts each week for its hospital units.

Stay Staffed Solution - Internal Staffing Management (ISM)

Solution: Stay Staffed provided a web-based management software solution that enabled each unit to have an efficient means to get their open shifts filled by core staff members. workforce management solutions Stay Staffed web-based software permitted approved internal staff to automatically fill open positions with 24/7 online access from any computer and ensured open communication with the staffing office.

The central staffing office eliminated the need for labor intensive efforts to fill shifts that had previously engulfed their time prior to the implementation of Stay Staffed. With the increased productivity returned to the central staffing office management team, the reporting and analytics provided by the Internal Staffing Management (ISM) product made unit staffing oversight and management a breeze.

  • Electronic notification of key events including: posting, submission, committed, and filled shifts are accessible to core staff, unit managers and the central staffing office.
  • With Stay Staffed 24/7 access to open shifts, staff nurses and unit managers can sign on from any computer whether at work, home or on the go.
  • Increased staffing office productivity, empowered employees and nurse managers to work efficiently which resulted in high morale and lower costs.

SmartShift #1 healthcare management software solution "This is wonderful! With all the information right here in one place, it makes my job so much easier -- I'm constantly being asked to provide information and reports to my manager... now, they can log on and access the data instantly!"

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