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Workforce Management System, Financial Industry

Optimize Your Financial Contingent Workforce

finance staffingWith financial industry labor trends favoring a lean, core employee base supplemented by a highly-skilled contingent workforce, many financial services firms are opting for a workforce management system to increase their agility and flexibility in the marketplace.

StayStaffed offers cost-effective options with our Workforce Management Systems.  From a nationwide marketplace of staffing agencies who submit qualified candidates for posted positions to a full range of workforce solutions, financial services staffing has never been easier. Whether you are seeking to source, recruit, hire, or optimize contingent financial industry jobs, you can do so quickly and efficiently via our contingent workforce management system and partnerships with staffing agencies nationwide.

With a full range of recruitment services including Candidate Direct Marketplace® Vendor Management Systems (VMS), Managed Service Provider (MSP), and Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), employers have the ability to optimize their financial staffing in partnership with a dedicated StayStaffed Client Account Manager.

Financial Industry Benefits include:

  • An ability to identify and hire high-level financial industry performers streamlines the hiring process with the use of improved hiring metrics, reduced overtime hours, and a resource to recruit additional staff when the need dictates.
  • An enhanced matching process for financial industry candidates results in an ability to source highly skilled candidates with the requirements in individual job postings.
  • Financial services staffing administration becomes more efficient through StayStaffed's cloud-based workforce management system.
  • Management oversight is improved by way of custom VMS management reporting and analytics with vendor performance data that help to determine the effectiveness of your financial industry workforce solutions.
  • A centralized control of financial services staffing enables your firm to quickly adjust to shifting priorities and maximize the potential of your staffing choices.
  • Vendor management services are adaptable to suit the distinctive needs of contingent workforce employers.
  • No hardware, software, hosting or service fees.
  • Customer support is available 24/7, 365 days a year through a StayStaffed Client Account Manager dedicated to your financial firm. 

Contact us now for a 15-minute VMS demonstration and see how you can easily and cost-effectively optimize your financial services staffing.

Workforce Solutions for Financial Services Staffing

A key component necessary to achieve the optimum benefits of a contingent workforce is to engage in an enterprise-level financial services staffing solution that is supported by a user-friendly, web-based Workforce Management Services program.

Our contingent workforce solutions for the financial industry help companies realize:

  • Optimum productivity and operational performance.
  • State-of-the-art candidate-matching process.
  • A nationwide database staffing agencies who are able to source highly-trained financial services workers at  moment’s notice.
  • Reduce contingent staffing labor costs saving time and money
  • Superior capability to adapt to variable market conditions

Financial industry Workforce Management System software efficiently fills staffing requirements by designating the right employees with the highest skills to execute the right job at the right time.  It can manage the overall contingent workforce lifecycle and provides crucial insights into how your financial staffing services are performing.

Contact a StayStaffed representative today for a free, no-obligation demonstration and see how workforce optimization can improve your company’s bottom line.