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Vendor Management Software (VMS)

Source, Recruit, Procure and Manage Your Contingent and Direct Hire Workforce

Stay Staffed's Vendor Management System, Candidate Direct Marketplace ®, provides a management-oversight technology solution to streamline and automate the administrative and operational processes that occur within multi-vendor staffing environments. Our secure, web-based VMS software provides a one-source solution to source, recruit, procure and manage contingent and direct hire needs for a multitude of industries -- including healthcare, energy, and IT to name a few…and with the potential to save up to 15% of annual contingent staffing spend.

Candidate Direct Marketplace® VMS is quick to deploy, easy to use – and there is no cost to your organization.  With three different subscription levels of our VMS technology, virtually any employer can benefit from our solution - from employers with just a few contract workers, to large organizations working with hundreds of contract workers. No matter which VMS level you choose, you will have a dedicated Client Service Representative assigned to your account as an extension of your team.

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Contingent staff savings from Vendor Management
Software include:

  • VMS solutions offer a faster, streamlined hiring process for improved fill-rates, reduced overtime, fewer staff shortages
    • Enhanced candidate matching process results in lower turnover and greater productivity gains
  • Seamlessly source candidates from your own agencies or choose from hundreds of qualified agencies in the Candidate Direct Marketplace® network
    • Improve the depth of the candidate pool and locate hard-to-find resources
  • Increased competition from our staffing agency marketplace results in securing employees at below-market wage rates or receiving volume discounts from vendors
    • Annual savings can range from $4,000 to $15,000 per candidate.
  • Improved management oversight through VMS dashboard analytics and reporting, including hiring manager approval, budget cost analysis, and vendor performance/costs/risks
    • Plus electronic notifications to your management team with updates on important staffing decisions and alerts

The Candidate Direct Marketplace ® VMS offers all industries including healthcare, energy, and IT providers and their agency firms an all-encompassing contingent staffing solution. But don't just take our word for it, contact a StayStaffed representative today to book a free, no-obligation online product demonstration that demonstrates how to recruit top healthcare, energy, and IT talent, improve efficiencies, reduce costs and effectively manage permanent and temporary staff from a single VMS dashboard.

Candidate Direct Marketplace® VMS also provides:

    vms cloud
  • Automated credentialing through our electronic document management system
    • SmartDocs provides instant document access and expiration notices to help organizations achieve 100% compliance outcomes
  • Centralized management of contingent staffing needs and hires enables companies to adapt quickly to changing conditions
    • Maximize the potential of contingent staffing decisions
  • No capital spending required on hardware, software, hosting, or services fees
    • We take care of that, along with 24/7, 365 customer support
  • Candidate Direct Marketplace® VMS technology is used as the platform of the Stay Staffed Managed Service Provider MSP and our other Contingent Workforce Management solutions
    • Use of additional components can increase your savings

Be sure to ask about our StartFast™ customer service product integration process.